I have
two questions: First, are expensive water conditioners with de-chlorinators
added better than sodium
thiosulfate alone? I was told they are, because they will eliminate ammonia
completely before it becomes a problem for the fish. My second question is:
During pond tour, you told my husband and I that we should keep all Ducks out
of our pond, could you explain why? After all, we really can’t see any harm in
letting them in the pond.
are literally hundreds of unnecessarily, ineffective, and potentially harmful
products available to the
hobbyists. There are so many of these appalling products that I cannot list all
of them here, but what I believe to be one of the worst offenders of this group
is also the most popular, the chemical ammonia removers.
These products are so
ill conceived from their slick advertising, that I personally do not know how
they became so successful as a claimed detoxifier. All of these products claim
to chemically bind with ammonia, removing the toxic chemical from pond waters.
They further claim that the bond and nontoxic ammonia remains available for
Nitrosomonas oxidation. Nitrosomonas cannot oxidize the ammonia bound in the
form urea, (I will discuss more about urea later), nor can it oxidize the ammonia
bond with any other chemical.
When these chemicals are used and the ammonia ion
is temporarily bonded, two things happen: First, the Nitrosomonas is deprived
of its food. Second, ammonia test kits give a very encouraging but very
temporary and very deadly misleading negative reading. I mean temporary because
in a short time (e.g., 24-hours) these complexes breakdown and all the ammonia
is suddenly released back into bulk water leaving the pond hobbyists worse off
than when they initially started. To make matters worse, many of the chemicals
used to temporarily bind with ammonia are composed, in part, of ammonia. So as
these complexes decay much more ammonia returns into solution than was
originally present. To make matters even worse, many of these chemicals have
never been adequately proven safe for our aquatic animals, invertebrates, or
beneficial bacteria.
Considering their
chemical composition, in fact, it is very likely that they are toxic. In
actuality, many of the ammonia removers used today like (AmQuel®, ChlorAm-X®,
etc.) contain reducing agents that cause the redox (ORP) potential to drop
significantly and TDS to elevate when used in our ponds. If ozonation is being used, it must be
turned off, otherwise the ORP controller will “falsely” sense a problem and
turn the ozone equipment on, which will result in and overdose of ozone. If you
wish, Poly-Filters® used as a supplementary filtration material will removal
ammonia in emergencies, but would not be cost-effective in the long run.
I made mention in
answering the first question that Nitrosomonas cannot oxidizes the ammonia bond
in the form of the urea also called carbamide. You see all fresh water fish and
marine fish, except sharks and rays; excrete ammonia as their principle
nitrogen waste product. Sharks and rays on the other hand unlike any other fish
in many respects, excrete urea; do to their excretory systems characteristics.
While sharks and rays are the only fish that produce such urea waste, they are
not the only animals to do so. All mammals (e.g., humans, whales, waterfowl,
seals and dolphins) also produce urea as their principal nitrogen waste. The
chemical composition of ammonia is (NH), and the chemical
composition of urea (NH2CONH). Urea can be
hydrolyzed (combined with water) with the use of an enzyme found in many
heterotrophic bacteria. Unfortunately, it is not found in nitrifying bacteria.
The Nitrosomonas bacteria are unable to metabolize urea.
Much of the urea
metabolize by the heterotrophic bacteria is not released as ammonia waste. Most
of the nitrogen resulting from any urea that is hydrolyzed is needed and
retained by the heterotrophic bacteria as opposed to being excreted as ammonia.
The resulting high concentration of urea that accumulates in such a pond is
toxic to our aquatic animals (e.g., Koi and Goldfish). In addition, the urea
results in false positive ammonia test kit readings, as the test kit reagents
react with the urea as if it were ammonia. These false reading may lead the
hobbyists too take unneeded evasive action to eradicate ammonia when ammonia is
not really the problem. You must also consider that the redox of your pond
water will begin to drop at an accelerate rate from an overabundance of urea
concentrations, which will make your pond noisome to its inhabitants, thus in turn
will exacerbate any unknown problems.
Finally, yet
importantly by being exposed to water in a closed biotope like our ponds
without a constant renewable water source, like in natural systems, with
waterfowl in it, the results; you will have carbamide and fecal matter all over
your person. Moreover, as we all know children are not the most hygienic of
little people and may place their hands in their eyes and/or mouth. I will not
go into the amount of bacteria a waterfowl carries in its intestines.
Ponds that
allow waterfowl to swim in them have an abundance of horrific bacteria. One
particular bacterium hobbyists must be informed about is Mycobacterium marinum
(also known as M. maximum) — a strain of tuberculosis bacteria that lives in
aquatic environments know as Granuloma. This bacterium loves your dirty fowl
pond water. Get it, fowl pond water!
This particular bacterium produces
very slowly, and requires a long cycle, taking as much as three or more months
of antibiotics to eradicate. More frightening, if the condition is left
untreated, it can lead to serious complications of the soft tissue and bones!
This particular strand of bacteria can infect humans and fish alike, through
cuts on the hands and arms or even if one rubs their eyes. If you insist upon
having waterfowl in your pond, and placing your hands in
that water, them thoroughly wash with antibacterial soap afterwards.warning!
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