Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One word of caution though: Your plants will grow and show exceptional growth that may be outside of what books recommend their growth rate and height may be.

A word of caution about plants in Biocenosis baskets!

Okay, now that I have seen your photos on the makeup of your pond I understand what you’re asking. You have a 6" header pond or for now lets call it a bog pond because you wish to use it as such even though it’s not a real bog. Yes the Biocenosis baskets will work out okay in that shallow pond if you treat it as a bog pond/filtration pond. Most, if not all hobbyist will fill a bog pond with a media of some sort then plant vegetation right into the substrate. Some hobbyists in someway will try to get water through that substrate using pipes or UG Filter, very old school though!
 The photo shows 5-6 foot tall plants and just how big some aquatic plants will grow in a Biocenosis baskets inside an Anoxic Filter. By the time the growing season ended some of the plants grew over 8' tall. The hobbyists said they have never in all the years he’s had those plants have they grown that tall.

I can see you wish to bypass this mistake (maybe ‘mistake’ is too harsh of a word here) of adding gravel or some other medium to this pond because of clogging, and yes it will begin to clog from the first day it is set up. Adding the biocenosis baskets with bog plants is nothing new. Even if the tops of the baskets are at water level they will still work without the clogging associated by the obsolete way of doing things with a substrate because biological and chemical pathways will remain open to chemical mediators for years to come.

However, it will be easier to clean in the long run, and yes it will have to be cleaned periodically because of smut and detritus accumulation. Removing a basket and placing a pump in that hole, then pump the filtering pond out once a year is recommended. That’s the trouble with bogs if they don’t use open Biocenosis baskets to hold their plants instead of only a substrate on top of the liner; it will then become a ticking time bomb that will eventually begin to deteriorate water quality and giving the hobbyists a false sense of security that all is well for a few years. Using the Biocenosis baskets in your situation gives you more control over any insults that may be unforeseen in the forthcoming future. 

One word of caution though: Your plants will grow and show exceptional growth that may be outside of what books recommend their growth rate and height may be. I’ve seen plants that never get over 3´ tall grow to 8´ tall in one season using Biocenosis basket in Anoxic filter and bog filters, too. The hobbyists were a little taken back by this exceptional growth rate and height! I show photos in my book on such plants. You must remember the baskets and plants will be doing lots of good work for you better than any out-of-the-box-filter can or could do by eradicating germs and bacteria. 

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