Filtration part 2
Nitrifying bugs are everywhere
bugs, (nitrogen cycle bugs), are abundant in nature. They do not just
grow and thrive in a biological filter.
In fact, they will grow everywhere in a pond environment. In a
natural pond, lake or river, they grow on every available surface. This
includes the pond bottom, rocks and plants. In an ornamental pond they
will also grow on all available surfaces, not just within the filter. The purpose of a biological filter is
to make a “bacteria friendly” environment that will concentrate the bulk of the
population in one easy to manage area where the main nitrogen cycle will
occur. But that does not mean that this is the only place where ammonia
is being nitrified (turned into nitrate). Ammonia is also being nitrified
throughout the whole pond. All that is necessary for this to occur is a
wet surface and a supply of ammonia, oxygen and carbonate. Taking all the
biological media out of the filtration system, therefore, will not stop the
production of nitrate altogether, it will still be produced elsewhere. It
may not be immediately obvious but there are also ample opportunities for the
nitrogen cycle to take place actually within the biocenosis baskets
themselves. The baskets are underwater and so, stating the obvious, all
surfaces of the clay particles are wet. The water that is just inside the baskets will also be
rich in oxygen and carbonate, so we have an ideal place for nitrifying bugs to
set up home and to convert ammonia to nitrate. If nitrate is actually
produced within a basket that is designed to eliminate nitrate, does this mean
that these baskets are a failure? Not in the least, as will be described
are two equations that I light-heartedly refer to as; “what nitrosomonas and
nitrobacter eat for lunch”. They are included for those that may be
interested. It is not necessary
for the purposes of this article to try to understand them, but they are how a
bio-chemist would make sense of the nitrogen cycle. The description following the
equations that explains what they mean has been simplified as far as is
possible with all the nasty chemistry taken out. You may need to read it
a couple of times to understand it, or if you prefer, you may safely skip the
equations and the paragraph that follows them.
Nitrosomonas eat for lunch:-
+ 76O2 + 109HCO3- = C5H7O2N
+ 54NO2- + 57H2O + 104H2CO3
Nitrobacter eat for lunch:
+ NH4+ + 4H2CO3 + HCO3-
+ 195O2 = C5H7O2N + 3H2O
+ 400NO3-
What the equations tell us
can either count atoms and molecules, or you can take my word for it, that
these equations could very, roughly be described as saying:- One molecule of ammonia + four
molecules of oxygen + seven molecules of carbonate becomes one molecule of
nitrate + a bit of bug tissue (that is what C5H7O2N
means in these equations, a molecule of “bug”). In other words, the
bacteria can be thought of as “eating” ammonia, oxygen and carbonate and
getting slightly bigger. (Eventually when they have consumed enough, each
bug will divide into two separate bugs, but that is beyond the scope of this
article). If we ignore the carbonate and also ignore the fact that the
bugs are getting fatter in this process and we just concern ourselves with
what happens to the ammonia, it gets even simpler. One ammonia + four
oxygen eventually equals one nitrate. Let us now apply this to what is
going on inside a biocenosis basket, and follow the ammonia molecules as they
are drawn by the Laterite into the baskets to their doom.
figure 1.
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1. For clarity, zones A and B have
not been drawn to scale. In
practice these two zones are only a few millimetres thick before all the oxygen
has been exhausted.
Zone A
charges in the Laterite start to attract ammonia molecules towards the centre
of the basket. As these molecules pass through zone A, nitrifying
bacteria, (nitrogen cycle bugs), will grab one ammonia molecule and four oxygen
molecules; they will then excrete one nitrate molecule. The ammonia level
in zone A will have dropped a little, the nitrate level will have risen by
roughly the same amount but the oxygen will have dropped considerably, (four
times as much). Although there is now far less oxygen, there will still
be enough of it for the nitrogen cycle to continue. We will continue to journey
with the Ammonia molecules into zone B.
Zone B
more and more ammonia is converted to nitrate, the ammonia level drops even
more and the nitrate level rises.
So much oxygen has been used in the process that this area can no longer
be called truly aerobic, (oxygen rich), but there is still a little oxygen left
to sustain some nitrifying bacteria so we will follow the remaining ammonia as
it journeys into zone C.
Zone C
bio-chemistry in this zone is the stuff of nightmares and almost defies
simplification, but I will try. The ammonia is still being pulled
remorselessly toward the Laterite but almost all oxygen in the water has
already been used. The nitrogen cycle, as we know it, ceases. Nitrification cannot occur if dissolved oxygen
levels are below 2 ppm, and it will be lower than that in zone C. In this zone, facultative anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria live.
The first thing to understand about this zone is; what on Earth is a facultative
anaerobic heterotrophic bug anyway?
Roughly speaking, facultative anaerobic, means that it has the facility
(or ability) to live anaerobically, (where there is very little oxygen), provided
it can steal some. Heterotrophic bacteria is simply a description of
their “eating” habits; they like to “eat” organic molecules. So a
facultative anaerobic heterotroph is simply a bug that can live where there is
very little oxygen and likes to “eat” organic molecules. That wasn’t so
hard was it?
Where it can steal its
supply of oxygen from is not hard to understand either. Remember the
nitrate that was produced by the nitrogen cycle bugs? The chemical symbol
for nitrate is NO3, (one atom of nitrogen, joined to three atoms of
oxygen). For a facultative anaerobic heterotroph,
this is a feast. It can easily take the three oxygen atoms and leave the
nitrogen. Although it is convenient to refer to bugs “eating” ammonia or
nitrate and needing oxygen, in practice, they do not have little mouths, nor
indeed, do they have lungs. Ammonia, nitrate and oxygen are simply absorbed
directly through their cell walls, just as if we were able to eat by placing
food onto our stomachs or breathe by absorbing oxygen through our chests.
When oxygen is taken from nitrate in this way, the atoms of oxygen enter the
bug and the nitrogen is left behind. This nitrogen is still dissolved in
the pond water but it will be pleased to leave the water behind and go back
into the atmosphere at the first opportunity. In this way, although there
are nitrogen cycle bugs living in the biocenosis baskets and they will be busy
putting nitrate into the water, other bugs in that same basket are just as busy
disposing of it. The overall effect of a basket is to totally remove
ammonia with no by-product chemicals remaining in the water.
There’s more
that was all a biocenosis basket achieved, it would be pretty marvellous, but
there is even more science going on. We haven’t even considered the full
extent of what the Laterite is doing yet, other than to say that “electrical
charges” attract ammonia molecules toward the centre of the basket. How does it do this, and what happens
to the ammonia when it gets there?
Molecules are not little
magnets, but for a basic understanding of how molecules work, it is convenient
to imagine that they behave just like little magnets. When we played with magnets as children, we discovered that
two similar magnetic poles repel each other but opposite poles attract and will
stick together. Molecules behave just
like that, but the forces are electrical charges, similar to static
electricity, not magnetism.
charge on an ammonia molecule (NH4+) is positive, and the
charges on the Laterite are negative.
Opposite charges attract, and so ammonia molecules will be pulled inside
through zones A, B and C as described above. So, the Laterite has been responsible for attracting ammonia
from the pond water flowing past the basket, right into its centre.
Although some of the ammonia will have been totally disposed of along the way,
much will still remain, and once it is there, it cannot escape. The way
Ammonia is taken up by plants roots is a complex relationship involving yet
more molecular charges and it is not necessary to understand this mechanism in
order to understand how biocenosis baskets work. It is sufficient to say
that the Laterite attracts ammonia right up to the plant roots and holds it
there. When the plant is good and ready, (dependant on more
bio-chemistry), its roots will simply absorb the ammonia and the plant will
produce luxuriant growth. Yet more
ammonia has been permanently removed from the pond ecology.
happens in unplanted baskets? More
bugs, I’m afraid. For those biocenosis
baskets that do not contain plants, the facultative anaerobic bacteria that
inhabit zone C will perform a second clever trick. Earlier, we discovered that these bacteria preferred to take
oxygen directly from the pond water, but when there was little or no oxygen
available, as in zone C, their first trick was to obtain some by taking the atoms
of oxygen from any nitrate that had been produced by the nitrifying bacteria,
(nitrosomonas and nitrobacter).
What happens when they have used up all that nitrate? They simply switch to directly metabolising
ammonia to provide their energy needs!
The expression “clever as a sack of monkeys” should be changed to “clever
as a basket of bugs”. Whether or not the biocenosis baskets contain plants, the ammonia that
is drawn into a basket has no escape.
If plants don’t get it, the bugs will.
Not every pond keeper wants
to have a pond full of aquatic plants behind their Koi pond, or they may not
have the space to do so. The fact
that the biocenosis baskets do not have to contain plants to mop up ammonia
because a colony of bugs will soon develop and will take the opportunity of a free ammonia lunch, enables anoxic filtration to be sited indoors or
disguised under decking.
Building the system
building an anoxic pond is far easier than understanding how it works. In Kevin Novak’s original pump-fed
design, (figure 2), water is pumped from the main pond into the anoxic
pond. In order to prevent the flow
of water from disturbing the baskets, it enters through a simple diffuser. Figure 4 shows Kevin’s suggested
diffuser but any other design could be used if preferred. The water then returns back to the main
pond by gravity. The anoxic pond
should be about 24 inches (600 mm) deep and it can be any convenient shape that
is large enough to allow approximately one basket per adult fish.
It is possible to modify the design to a gravity
fed system for those who do not like pump fed systems or who want to modify an
existing gravity fed system (see figure 3). As in the pump fed system, the water should be diffused as
it enters the anoxic pond. One way
to achieve this would be to extend the 4” bottom drain pipe above water level
and to drill around 100 x ¼” (6mm) holes in it.
Are there
any drawbacks?
There are no drawbacks but one point is worth
careful consideration. Settlement
will occur in the anoxic pond and it will eventually need to be emptied or
flushed to waste just as any other settlement chamber. In order to keep the drawings as simple
as possible, I have left out details of pre-filtration and a drain to make emptying
easier. A sieve is a suitable
pre-filter for the gravity system and a simple way to close off the main pond
when a gravity fed anoxic pond is being emptied would be to make the perforated
section of pipe removable and have a suitable length of un-perforated 4” pipe
that can replace it whilst emptying.
And the
Apart from the reduction in nitrate levels, and the
fact that the system can be built so inexpensively, it is ubiquitous. It will fit anywhere because it can be
built to fit whatever space is available; the only constraint is that there
should be about one basket per full size fish. But even in this, there is flexibility. If ever you need more baskets and space
is limited, simply stack an extra layer of baskets on top of the bottom layer,
taking care that they are spaced so that the bottom of one basket doesn’t rest
directly on the surface of the one below so that water can still flow past all
surfaces of all baskets.
The future
The anoxic system has been developed in America
over the past 20 years. It has
gained considerable respect over there, from those who have tried it and found
that it provides nitrate reduction even below that of the incoming tap-water,
leading to crystal clear pond water.
In this country it is becoming a much talked-about subject and I believe
that none who have tried it so far are disappointed. Keep your magazine subscription up to date, there will be
more written about anoxic filtration in the near future.
The anoxic filtration system was design by Dr Kevin
Novak PhD. Full details have been
published in his CD book which can be obtained directly from him or read
on-line at (click “anoxic
Anoxic Filtration Book... Still free
on Apple's iBook store
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